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Privacy Policy

Privacy Agreement
We, Hangzhou QiuLong Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “QiuLong” or “we”), aim to protect and respect any personal information you share with us. This statement describes what types of personal information we will collect from you, how we use the collected information, how we share the collected information with third parties, how we manage the collected information, and how you can contact us. Before using our products and services, please read this privacy statement carefully and ensure that you fully understand its meaning.
1、Our Role
In accordance with data protection laws and regulations, we are the controller of your personal information. This means that we determine why this data is collected and how it is collected. It also means that we will be responsible for collecting this data, including subcontractors who collect your information on our behalf. We will work with other relatively independent organizations to carry out the actions related to collecting information described in this statement.
2、Our Data Collection and Use
When you use our applications and products, we will collect information about you and your vehicle. In order to provide after-sales service, we will also collect this information from our authorized dealers. We only collect necessary, relevant, and appropriate information.
2.1 When you register and log in to our app, we will collect your account, password, and email address. We collect this information to help you complete the app’s account registration so that we can provide app services. If you do not provide this information, you may not be able to use our services properly. After logging in, you can also choose to upload a profile picture and a personalized signature, but refusing to provide them will not affect your normal use of the software.
2.2 When you bind our app to your electric motorcycle, we will collect your vehicle’s identification code to determine the correspondence between you and your vehicle, so that we can provide you with the correct vehicle-related services.
2.3 When you first start your electric motorcycle, we will start collecting data about your vehicle, including basic vehicle information that you can view on the app (such as battery level and dashboard information), as well as some additional technical information about the vehicle (such as internal battery information and MCU information). The purpose of collecting this vehicle information is to provide you with the correct vehicle and app services, as well as based on our legitimate interests in ensuring product safety and improvement. If you do not want us to collect usage and technical data related to your vehicle, you can contact us to disable the network connection. However, please note that if you choose to disable vehicle data collection, you will not be able to view vehicle status on the app, and we will not be able to know or notify you in a timely manner about issues or updates applicable to your vehicle. This may result in reduced vehicle functionality, severe damage or inability to operate the vehicle. The above extended mode will increase the data transmission of the vehicle terminal SIM card, and you can switch back to the standard mode at any time. If you do not want to use the app to view vehicle-related information, you can unbind the app from the electric motorcycle, and we will stop collecting your relevant vehicle information. (This statement will be added to the app after the standard mode is opened in the future and the front-end statement will be adjusted as needed.)
2.4 When your vehicle is powered on, charging, or experiences certain faults, we will collect relevant important vehicle information, such as charging voltage, fault codes, etc., in order to timely understand the vehicle situation and provide you with the correct vehicle-related services.
2.5 When you use the APP’s historical track query and theft recovery function, we will collect the geographic location information of your vehicle in order to provide you with the requested services. The geographic location information of the vehicle belongs to a special type of personal information, which itself or in combination with other information may identify your religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc. If you do not want to use this function anymore, you can turn off the collection of location information in the APP at any time. You can also delete the historical track saved in the APP at any time.
2.6 We use Amap, Baidu Maps or Google Maps to provide map navigation services in the APP. When you use this service, your vehicle location information is directly transmitted from your phone to Amap. All data processing by Amap is based solely on this location information, and no other data about you or your mobile device is involved, and it complies with Amap’s privacy policy (https://lbs.amap.com/). The above maps are commonly used and meet the habits of most users. If these maps do not meet your requirements for navigation services, you can choose map software services that meet your requirements and turn off options related to collecting your personal information in the map navigation service. As mentioned in 2.5, vehicle location information is a special type of personal information. If you do not want Amap to collect your vehicle location information again, you can turn off the collection of location information in the APP at any time.
2.7 When you use the shopping function of the APP, we will collect your transaction information, including your name, contact phone number, shipping address, etc., so that we can process your order correctly and send the goods to you.
2.8 When you use the social function of the APP, we will collect the information you upload, such as text, photos, videos, comments, etc. You can also delete this information at any time.
2.9 Device Information: In order to provide you with services that better meet your needs, display interactions, search results, recognize abnormal account states, maintain the normal operation of the platform, and ensure the security of your account, we will receive and record device-related information based on the specific permissions you grant during software installation and use (including device model, hardware serial number, operating system version, settings parameters, device configuration, international mobile equipment identity code (IMSI), unique device identifier (IMEI, OAID, AndroidID), network device hardware address (MAC address), device network information, and device environmental software and hardware characteristic information), WLAN access point, Bluetooth, base station, access network type and status, and network quality data. Location-related information of the device (IP address, geographical location information) because the services we provide are based on mobile social services provided based on geographical location. You confirm that the successful registration of the “platform” account is deemed to authorize us to extract, disclose, and use your IP address information. At the same time, after you switch to the background, in order to ensure that our messages can be delivered in a timely manner, we will activate the push service. This service may obtain your device’s MAC address or IMEI information and use it as a device unique identifier for push services.
2.10 Log Information: When you use our website or client-provided products or services, we will automatically collect detailed usage information of our products or services as related network log records. This includes your browsing, clicking, viewing and searching query content, following and sharing information, publishing information, as well as IP address, browser type, operator information, language used, date and time of access, and your visited web page records. Please note that individual device information and log information are information that cannot identify a specific natural person’s identity, so individual device information and log information are not “personal information” referred to in this policy. If we combine this type of information with other information to identify a specific natural person’s identity, or combine it with personal information, this type of information will be considered personal information during the period of combination use. Except for obtaining your authorization or as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify such personal information. To provide you with more convenient and personalized information display services, we will extract your preference characteristics based on your device information and service log information, and produce indirect user profiles based on feature tags for displaying information.
Note: If other functions are added in the future, please add a paragraph to describe and translate it, referring to the writing style of the above paragraph – function module + information collection + processing for the purpose of implementation + if data processing is based on user consent, emphasize that it can be revoked at any time and the way to revoke / if data processing is necessary to fulfill the contract, explain and inform that the service cannot be provided without it / if data processing is based on its own legitimate interests (such as using page traffic analysis SDK), explain and inform users that they can contact the company to exercise their right to object to processing; if data processing is entrusted to a third party, the collected information should be the information collected by the third party, and the name of the entrusted third party and the privacy policy of the third-party product used should be disclosed (if any).
3.Ways of using the collected information:
3.1 To enhance and personalize your interaction experience with QiuLong Motors.
3.2 To provide you with higher quality experience, products, and services.
3.3 To track and complete your ordering process, including sending you emails with transaction information to confirm your order and logistics status.
3.4 We will communicate with you and convey information about our products, services, competitions, promotions, etc. through email, telephone (including auto-dialing or pre-recorded methods), SMS, etc. You can also choose not to receive our promotional information.
3.5 To manage competitions and promotional activities and respond to your needs.
3.6 To help us better understand your vehicle and consumer preferences.
3.7 To help us manage and improve our website, projects, experiences, products, and services.
3.8 To update your membership programs, benefits, and services.
3.9 To verify your identity information.
3.10 To remind you of product safety notices and recall information.
3.11 To conduct market research activities.
3.12 To maintain our legitimate rights and interests, participate in legal proceedings; when necessary, investigate, prevent, and respond to illegal and fraudulent activities; or protect your, our, or third-party safety, rights, and property.
4.Data Retention Generally
We will retain your data for a reasonable period of time necessary to achieve our intended purposes. Once the purposes have been achieved, the data will be automatically deleted or stored in a way that cannot be traced back to you. We will store different types of data for different periods of time, for example: data that is retained for the duration of a process, command, or operation (such as navigation data). Your user data and manually entered destination data will be retained for a period of five years, after which they will reach the retention period if you delete them or if you have not used the service for more than five years.
5.Sharing Your Data with Third Parties
We do not sell your data to any third party. However, in order to process your requests or complaints, or to provide services to you (including managing and completing your order process), we do need to share your data with our authorized dealers. Additionally, when you purchase our products through the e-commerce platform in our app, we also need to share your data with the logistics company in order to transport your products. We only share those data that are necessary, relevant, and appropriate for the above purposes with third parties.
6.Transferring Your Personal Data Outside the European Economic Area
Quionglong will store your personal information related to your account on servers located in Germany. However, our employees in China/USA may also process your personal data, as we are a Chinese company without any establishments in the European Union. This processing also includes the transfer of your personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area in accordance with applicable data protection laws. As China does not provide the same level of protection for personal data as the European Union, we will provide appropriate protection when transferring your personal data to the European Union or outside the European Economic Area. In particular, we will sign data transfer agreements with the recipients of your personal data, which include standard clauses adopted by the European Commission. We will also take other appropriate measures to provide sufficient protection for your data.
7.Data Security
Your data security is very important to us. We will do our utmost to implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against loss, misuse, and alteration. For example, we will implement the following security measures: Only a small number of personnel can access your personal data for specific purposes. The process of transmitting your data is encrypted. Your data is stored in encrypted form.
8. Your Rights
According to data protection laws, you have a range of rights related to the protection of personal data. For most of these rights, we may ask you to provide information to confirm your identity and assist us in locating your personal information (if applicable). Except in rare cases, we will respond to your request within one month.
a) Right to Withdraw Consent
You may withdraw your consent at any time using the options mentioned in “Data We Collect and Use”. You can also contact us for detailed information on withdrawing consent.
b) Right to Access Your Data
You have the right to access the data we hold about you at any time. This right of access includes the categories of data we process, the purposes of the processing, the sources of the data (when the data is not directly obtained from you), and the third parties to whom we disclose and who receive your information (if applicable).
You can view most of the data we collect or create in our app. The data you see will show how we collect and use it. If you want to access your data in the app, you can also contact us and we will provide you with a free text containing your data. If you need additional data texts, we will charge a reasonable fee.
c) Right to rectification You have the right to request us to rectify your data. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that the personal data we hold and process are up-to-date, accurate, complete, and relevant based on the latest information we have. You can directly modify most of your personal data that you have provided in the app, or you can contact us to make the changes.
d) Right to erasure In the following circumstances as required by law, you can request us to erase your data:
The data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed.
You have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal ground for the processing of the data.
You object to the processing of your data, and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing or you object to the processing of your data for marketing purposes.
Your data has been unlawfully processed. You will not be able to exercise your right to erasure if processing is necessary for the following purposes:
To comply with a legal obligation or perform a task carried out in the public interest.
To establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
e) Right to restrict processing You have the right to restrict the processing of your data based on the following grounds:
You contest the accuracy of the data, and we will verify the accuracy before processing the data.
The processing is unlawful, and you oppose the erasure of the data but request the restriction of its use instead.
We no longer need your data for the purposes of processing, but you require it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.
f) Right to data portability Based on your needs and technical feasibility, we will transfer your data to other data controllers. However, you only have this right if the data processing is based on your consent or the existence of a contract. You can instruct us to directly transfer the data to another data controller designated by you, instead of receiving a copy of your data and transferring it yourself.
g) Right to object You have the right to object to data processing at any time in special circumstances, provided that it is based on your consent, our legitimate interests, or the legitimate interests of a third party. In this case, we will no longer continue to process your data. However, we will still continue to process your data if we can prove that there are higher legitimate interests that override your personal interests, or if your data is used to assert, exercise or defend legal rights. In situations where it has a significant impact on you, you also have the right not to be subject to purely automated decision-making (including data analysis). We do not intend to make any decisions about you in this way, but if the objective circumstances change, we will update this statement.
This statement may be updated, revised, corrected, or modified at any time. If any terms of this statement are updated, revised, corrected, or modified, we will notify you of the changes via push notification.
10.Contact Us
If you wish to exercise any of your rights or have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Notice, you may contact us at the following email address: info@surron.us.com.
11.Complaints to Regulatory Authorities
QiuLong takes your concerns and rights very seriously. However, if you feel that we have not handled your complaints or requests with due care, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant data protection authority.
For our operation, most of our computer systems, networks, and devices are currently located in Hong Kong, China. Personal information obtained through our services may be processed in Hong Kong, where data protection and privacy regulations may not provide the same level of protection as in other parts of the world. By using our services, you agree that we may collect and process your personal information in Hong Kong, China.
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